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Tactical Front Carrier for BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest
Item: 4BS-BS-TFC
Brand: BulletSafe

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This tactical front carrier is a great way to convert your concealable BulletSafe vest to a more tactical option. It is everything you need to change the standard, concealable BulletSafe vest into a more tactical (tacti-COOL?) option. All you need to do is replace the standard front carrier with this tactical front carrier. To do so, you remove the armor panel from the standard carrier and put it in this tactical front carrier.

If you want to switch back to a concealable vest, just reverse the process. In under a minute you can switch from a tactical, external design to a concealable design. It is really easy and extremely affordable.

To order, choose the same size Tactical Front Carrier as your BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest. That will make sure that everything fits.

Note: This Tactical Front Carrier fits perfectly with BulletSafe vests and replacement carriers sold after April 2nd, 2018. If you have an earlier vest, consider upgrading your standard carrier and you'll be able to use the tactical front carrier as well.

This carrier is not bulletproof. It is a replacement cover for the front of a BulletSafe Vest. It is used to carry the bulletproof panels that come with your BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest.

This tactical carrier will not work with any other body armor manufacturer's panels. It is designed specifically for BulletSafe vests.